Climate Change Conferences


My role on this project: Designer

What tools have I used?: Photoshop

Client: UNED (National Distance Education University of Spain)

Why?: In this project, I was the responsible of creating the visual identity of these conferences and courses about the Climate Change imparted in Spain. I decided to use to main elements: green grass and a death leaf. The first one (green grass) represents life and the right decisions to keep our planet safe. The second one (death leaf) shows the effect of the climate change in our environment. The leaf is placed in the middle of the canvas, catching the public eye.

For the information and the text, I preferred to use a sans-serif font that is cleaner and modern. Thus I sketched the information in two blocks: title and subtitle at the top and the rest of the text and logos below the leaf.

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  • Skills:
    • Photoshop
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